• An essay on Spillwords

    Happy Opening Day, MLB! I love you, Cliff and Son!

  • Alle IW’d on podcast Story Discovery.

    First, I read the essay … · “Goddess of Mercy: Quittin’ Time in Shanghai” starts 58 seconds in. · Then I’m interviewed by JW McAteer and Melissa Collings, who originally published the essay in Etched Onyx Magazine. Starts 28 minutes in. My goodness, you know exactly which friends need to read this story! Send them this link: http://tinyurl.com/yhw599r6

  • Literary Mama Mag IWs Alle

    Leaning into trauma to write, reaching people with a message of hope, recs for revising – or simply finding the time to write. Alle C. Hall is the award-winning author of the novel, As Far As You Can Go Before You Have To Come Back. In the early 1990s, Hall lived and traveled extensively in Japan…

  • Alle’s family of origin.

    Dr. Donna’s podcast offers “innovative, evidence-based recovery that helps to identify intergenerational trauma, allowing for freedom and embracement of the healing process.” Which Alle grooves on. The interview comes with a trigger warning for in-depth discussions of child abuse. The interview starts at 30 seconds into the podcast. About relationships with dysfunctional families: Alle: I see in…

  • Trauma Survivors Can Love Themselves.

    A touch-back to go into the new year. Originally published by the staff at Harcourt Health World Kindness Day is celebrated around the world on November 13. First introduced in 1998 by the World Kindness Movement, World Kindness Day offers an opportunity to highlight good deeds in the community and the common thread of kindness.…

  • “I’m looking for direction in reading heavy material to children.” 1-min read!

    A reader’s question leads to a flash essay. I suggest a conversation with your librarian or local, indy bookseller. There are so many great books written with sensitivity and age-awareness. You won’t have any problems finding the correct one(s) for your child.  Something I learned from my children – now ages 17 and 20: follow…

  • If you liked Kristen Marquet’s recent interview of me …

    Enjoy another! This one by Jessica Jarlvi. Alle Why do some people choose the light while others, the dark? It’s one of my life-long explorations. I get that I have survived childhood trauma very well; I don’t get why I have while others haven’t yet — perhaps will not, in this lifetime. That question is central to As Far as You…

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