The “Book” Edition: A “Magazine Version” forthcoming in next week’s Alle Alert

When it comes time for you to sign with an agent and you would rather work with a different one, let the preferred agent know in an email with:

  • the subject line: OFFER OF REPRESENTATION for (Name of your project); and
  • a couple sentences saying you’ve had an offer for representation but would prefer to work with them.
  • Finish: “Would it work for you to have an answer to me by the end of the week/next Tuesday/ the date — whatever is making sense for your needs.
Photo by Anna Shvets on

These folks are pros; they won’t hold it against you. Well … they might hold it against you, but if that is the case, you might doubt their professionalism; nay, their maturity.

If anything, they should respect your business savvy and professionalism. Don’t forget to let the agent with the offer know that you need a week or so to go over your contract with your lawyer. Not only is the a necessary step before signing, it gives you a little time to hear back from the preferred agent.

Speaking of “hearing back”: you owe it to every agent and publisher who still has your manuscript to send them the same e-mail. (Don’t “BCC” — every agent receives their own mail.)

Who knows, you might receive yet another offer for representation! I received two additional offers. After years of rejections, talk about an ego boost.

After living in Japan for three years during the late 1980s/early 90s, at long last, I made it to Inari Shrine in Kyoto in 2017.

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