• Reader’s Question: “How do you work a second draft?”

    I found a process in my second book that I wish I’d had for my first Right off the bat, acknowledge to yourself how challenging and time-consuming the next phase is going to be: getting critique and then sticking to the revision process even though it’s soooo damn hard and could take years. I suggest:…

  • Literary Mama Mag IWs Alle

    Leaning into trauma to write, reaching people with a message of hope, recs for revising – or simply finding the time to write. Alle C. Hall is the award-winning author of the novel, As Far As You Can Go Before You Have To Come Back. In the early 1990s, Hall lived and traveled extensively in Japan…

  • Reader Question: I don’t do Tai chi. Will I relate to the book?

    In As Far as You Can Go Before You Have to Come Back, hope filters in around page 80. (Amazon review: “There is a lot of humor in this book.”) At this point in the novel, the protagonist, Carlie, encounters Tai chi. Phyllis in NYC asks: If I don’t know anything about Tai chi, how…

  • Trauma Survivors Can Love Themselves.

    A touch-back to go into the new year. Originally published by the staff at Harcourt Health World Kindness Day is celebrated around the world on November 13. First introduced in 1998 by the World Kindness Movement, World Kindness Day offers an opportunity to highlight good deeds in the community and the common thread of kindness.…

  • A Interview by Lisa Haselton (with an excerpt) and a great review on The Mommies’ Reviews.

    The Blog Tour continues. Fun questions as well as serious from Lisa Haselton: What would you say is your interesting writing quirk? I make mini-dioramas (aka: dollhousing) of scenes from As Far as You Can Go Before You Have to Come Back, or from the backstory. Also, a thoughtful review with unique insights and a personal…

  • ‘DV Awareness Month’ and ‘Joy’: two stops on the blog tour.

    October is Domestic Violence Awareness and Prevention Month – Children often the overlooked victims on Before It’s News. I am quoted liberally. Here’s one: When I think of domestic violence, I think of trying to shrink into my chair at the dining table as my mother screamed at my father about his extramarital affairs–just waiting,…

  • Small Miracles: Sweet-Talking Short Pieces from Your Full-Length Manuscript

    It is a marvel, to create an entire world and a complete life in 500-5000 words—especially if you hope to do so by pulling a few paragraphs or pages from a full-length manuscript. Be warned, however: creating short, standalone pieces is just as consuming—if not more so—than starting from the God-space of The Blank Page.…

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